Friday, February 26, 2016

General questions related to History


1.  Do you like to learn about history?
- I like to learn about history because I find it very interesting. I am deeply interested to learn about historical events and historical personalities of significance.
2.  What historical event do you find most interesting?
- I think independence of my country is very interesting event since this event turned a new leaf in the history of our country. It has shaped our country's face in a new way. It is the most important important historical even according to me. 
3.  Do you think history is important?
- Yes. History is important as history tells us about our past, culture and heritage. What is more, we can learn from the past mistakes and improve our future. 
4.  Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?
- I like to watch television programmes about history. I specifically watch History channel to learn about the historical events and personalities from other countries to improve my knowledge. 
5.  Do you think you can learn history from friends and / or TV programs? 
- It depends upon the person. If I have an interest in a particular event or personality, I can source this knowledge from anywhere, whether it is television or my peers. 
6.  Do you think of the Internet is a good place to learn about history?
- Definitely, since internet provides a multimedia experience involving photographs, videos, audio etcetera. Due to availability of these features learning about history from internet becomes a cake walk. 
7.  Can you name the person from history who you would like to learn more about?
- If I want to learn about a historical figure, it would certainly be Sardar Bhagat Singh. He became a martyr at the age of 23. I want to know more about what motivated him to become so mature and sensitive at such a young age. 

8.  Why would you like to learn more about him or her?
- He is the role model of youngsters of today. He is a great source of inspiration for all of us. His philosophy can guide the youth on the right path.